Farm Fact Friday May 1, 2020: Jersey Milk is a Smart Ecological Choice


Last week, the U.S. celebrated its 50th Earth Day. Did you know that drinking milk from Jersey cows is a smart choice, ecologically?

“A scientific, peer-reviewed life-cycle assessment published in the Journal of Dairy Science (Capper & Cady, 2012) determined that for Jerseys and Holsteins to produce the same amount of protein, milkfat and other solids, the Jersey population needs 32% less water, requires 11% less land, produces less waste and uses substantially less fossil fuels with a 20% reduction in total carbon footprint. In terms of the amount of Jersey milk needed to produce 500,000 metric tons (1.1 billion pounds) of cheese, the reduction in carbon footprint is equal to taking 443,900 cars off the road annually.” (Source:

You all know that Jersey milk is the most delicious, but it turns out it’s pretty efficient, too. So come get some! We’ll be open today as usual on the farm in MOOringsport (address in profile). Our hours are MWF 2-5 PM and Saturdays 9 AM-noon. As a reminder, we’ll still doing our drive-through service, so please stay in your car - we’ll come to you! See you soon!

Blue and Green Illustrated Earth Hour Instagram Post.png